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Our Services

While we produce in the field of recycling for nature and the environment, we are also taking important steps towards the future in collection and manufacturing.

ÖZ DE GERİ DÖNÜŞÜM olarak sektörde öncü olma yolunda ilerliyoruz.

Yalnızca Türkiye’de değil Avrupa ülkelerinde de tercih edilen bir yapı hâline gelirken güvenilirlik ve yüksek kalite noktasında sürekliliği sağlıyoruz.

Plastic Granule Manufacturing

Granular material is widely used in many sectors today. Granules are a type of thermoplastic polymer. In recent years, as the types have increased with the developing technology, the area of use has expanded significantly.

Granular material is used in many different areas, from spare parts in the automotive industry to textile and food packaging. One of the most effective reasons for the frequent use of this material is its large amount and functional properties.

Plastic granules are one of the raw materials with the richest areas of use. Plastic is very low cost to produce any product. Plastic is widely used in many areas such as toy manufacturing, construction sector, food packaging, electronic insulation, kitchenware.


Plastic Packaging Waste Recycling

Production of packaging that meets certain environmental criteria, basic conditions and features,

Preventing the formation of packaging waste, reducing the amount of unavoidable packaging waste to be disposed of by using reuse, recycling and recovery methods, preventing packaging waste from being released directly or indirectly into the receiving environment in a way that will harm the environment,

It is the determination of principles, policies and programs and legal, administrative and technical principles for the establishment of technical and administrative standards regarding the separate collection, transportation, separation and recycling of packaging waste at source within a specific management system.

Mining Waste Recycling

Recycling is the process of converting waste that can be re-evaluated into secondary raw materials by undergoing various physical or chemical processes and reintroducing them into the production process.

In other words, it can be defined as the recycling of recyclable waste materials that have been used in any way and are no longer in use, as raw materials, back into manufacturing processes through various recycling methods.

It has been emphasized that the purpose of urban mining is to recover urban wastes, namely construction wastes, municipal solid wastes, electronic wastes and mineral wastes, and for this purpose, ore preparation methods are used for separation and recovery.

Planet Made of Plastic

Non-Hazardous Waste Recycling

Recyclable waste materials that are no longer in use need to be recycled into manufacturing processes as raw materials through various recycling methods.

By re-incorporating consumed materials into the recycling cycle, the need for raw materials decreases first. Thus, the disruption of the natural balance and the damage to nature caused by increased consumption parallel to the increase in human population are prevented. In addition, the use of recyclable materials as raw materials again makes it possible to save a large amount of energy.

Plastic Waste (Packaging waste, Nylon, Plastic waste, waste with PE content) are separated appropriately.

The separated plastic wastes are subjected to the crushing process. They are turned into plastic granules to be used in the granulation process.

Hazardous Waste Recycling

It covers the recycling process of wastes that comply with the Regulation on Packaging Wastes Containing Residues of Hazardous Substances or Contaminated with Hazardous Substances under code 150110.

As Özde Recycling company, we aim to recycle contaminated packaging wastes with codes 15 01 10, especially; Packaging, Nylon, Plastic etc. wastes, to the last point with our comprehensive processes.

The transportation process of contaminated packaging wastes, which are generated in large quantities in sectors such as Paint, Chemistry, Cosmetics, Petroleum, Agriculture and Food, Textile and Raw Materials, Leather and Leather Products, Energy, Packaging, Iron and Steel, Metal, Mining, Automotive Main and Subsidiary Industry, Medicine and Pharmacy etc., is definitely carried out with ADR vehicles. As Özde Geridönüşüm company, all our vehicles are ADR and have a license certificate.

Geri dönüşümlü plastik
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